Mid Century Modern Finds
MCM Road Trip - Miller House - Columbus, IN
Share our visit to the mid century Mecca of Columbus, Indiana and take a tour of the iconic Eero Saarinen designed Miller House.
MCM Road Trip - Eames Institute - Pt. Richmond, CA
This curator led tour is a record of Ray and Charles Eames amazing partnership. You will see the products that made it into production as well as those that did not.
MCM Road Trip - Santa Barbara
A mcm diary of our trip to Santa Barbara documenting all the great mid century modern finds, sites and stores.
Palm Springs Museums, Tours, Architecture
Links and info on Museums, Tours, Architecture in Palm Springs
Stay, Eat, Drink Palm Springs.
Read about our favorite mid century things to do in Palm Springs.
MCM Shops - Palm Springs
Here’s where you find the mid century modern treasures in Palm Springs.
MCM Finds - Sacramento
Here’s where you find the mid century modern treasures in Sacramento.
SacMod Makeover: Resource List
Links to the list of vendors we have worked with and products we have purchased in the makeover of our Sacramento Carter Sparks / Streng Bros. home.